Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Howdy, its been quite a while since my last post. I'd been busy lately due to work et al. I also have my youngest daughter last October 30.

Anyway, since 2013 is here, i believe its time for some blog-face lift-up. At the same time, getting ready for the Rozen Zulu's arrival next week.

Here's a WIP for my Geara Zulu, Angelo Sauper use.



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1st stuff, backpack + weapons. Its my prerogative to build them first. Its best especially when you opt to build Full Armor/Armament Unicorn
Leg Parts next, so that i can build the MS slowly from the ground up.

Waist section

Torso and Head parts

Arms and the Shield

another shot

Snapbuilt with the extra helmet and closed-fist hands

Just give me more time to organize the sections here. Hoping that 2012 also bought you a lot of memorable things as well.

Thanks for reading and visiting. Until next time.. ^^